06 June 2007

An empty nest

The movers came today. It's totally bizarre to only have two suitcases and a computer bag to my name right now... everything else is either being prepped to ship to Belgium, or on its way to a storage container somewhere in Massachusetts.
The apartment looks kind of strange - it's this weird mix of empty and still full, since all of Mikaela's belongings are still here and unpacked. The apartment ends up (fairly accurately) looking like all trace of me was just erased, leaving only Mik's belongings behind, untouched...
Guess this thing is really happening, eh?

Song of the day: Water, Elitsa Todorova & Stoyan Yankoulov
(Bulgaria's entrant in Eurovision 2007. No idea what they are saying -- Steve? Any help? -- but I am loving the beat.)

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