04 November 2007

Can I get a Gesundheit?

So I have been sick for the last three days. Sneezing, stuffed up, slight headache, cold one minute, kind of hot the next (that could be my inability to adequately manipulate my radiators). It sucks. And you know what's worse than being sick? Not being able to buy any cough syrup (the only medicine I actually use) because they don't seem to sell it over the counter here? Nope, worse than that. I had to work all weekend reviewing workpapers regardless of my feeling like hell. What an excellent weekend...

Let's hope I kick this thing before I fly home next weekend. If anyone is still reading this thing (debatable, since there has been such a gap between entries), I will be in Orlando November 11-16 and in Michigan November 16-24. Totally looking forward to it. Call me on my old (617) cell number, if you want to meet up.

Song of the day: Kate Nash, Foundations (to be honest, I didn't want to like it, and I thought it was Lily Allen for weeks, but they play it on Belgian radio all the time and it's grown on me)


Anonymous said...

See you at Thanksgiving!

Lady Lisa said...

1 Gesundheit coming your way. OMG Fleckers, a post! I can't believe it! I've been diligently checking every couple of days, and to my delight, today=score!

I'd love to catch up over thanksgiving. Maybe Friday 11/24? I think I still have your cell programmed and would love to see you! Feel better soon. :-)


party peg said...

Hope you're feeling better!

I, too, am an avid checker. It made my day yesterday! I won't see you at Thanksgiving but you are very much penned into my New Year's calendar. I've been talking up the mac & cheese at Publick House so I think Dan will be tagging along.

Claire said...

Yay, she finally writes on her blog! I hope you're feeling much better, Fleck.