04 March 2008

Mr. Blue Sky

Belgium is having the weirdest weather today. I woke up this morning to the standard clouds. Then, wonder of wonders, things cleared up, and there were beautiful blue skies. Normally, that would be odd enough for me, but it's actually been sporadically pretty (if still slightly chilly) the last week or so. Here's the thing, though - five minutes ago, it was hailing. HAILING. And the wind was going full force - the flags on the apartments along my street were all in a tizzy. Right now? Clear blue skies, plenty of sunlight, no clouds, no wind.

Song of the Day: Georgie James, Cake Parade
(If you have emusic, I recommend the CD "Noise Pop 2008", which includes this song and is free. Just another reason to love my emusic subscription.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the download tip!

In that same vein, try this one: http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2008/03/she_him_great_a.html


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.